Smoke and Fire Curtains
Building codes mandate that any structure four stories or taller must have a smoke containment system to prevent smoke from spreading between floors.
One of the most effective and safest solutions is the use of smoke curtains. These fire-resistant curtain assemblies can enclose specific areas like elevators, escalators, atriums, or other spaces, trapping smoke within a contained zone in the event of a fire.
By isolating the smoke, this system ensures that other parts of the building remain clear, allowing occupants to evacuate safely.

Developing a comprehensive fire safety plan for a building requires carefully accounting for the many complex, interconnected elements that could impact fire and smoke control – from windows, doors, elevators, and stairwells to the prominent atrium in the front lobby. Effective mitigation of fire and smoke spread in an emergency demands meticulous planning to address these various factors.
When choosing fire and smoke curtains for your building, it’s important to clearly define your primary objective – whether that’s containing the fire or facilitating safe evacuation. Recognizing this distinction will guide you in selecting the appropriate curtain type or combination of methods to effectively address your specific needs.
Fire and smoke curtains provide a simple, cost-effective solution for managing fire and smoke emergencies. Easily configured to fit and safeguard any space, they offer a more affordable alternative to engineered ventilation systems.
Installed in warehouse ceilings, draft curtains are a type of smoke curtain that attach directly to overhead beams, allowing for easy installation without the need for remodeling.
Elevator Shaft And Lobby Smoke Containment
Elevator shafts can rapidly spread smoke and fire, potentially engulfing an entire building within minutes. However, virtually invisible elevator smoke curtains, when deployed, create an effective barrier that can replace the need for dedicated elevator lobbies.
Retail Stores and Shopping Centers
Fire curtains and smoke curtains help ensure the safety of shoppers and employees in retail settings during fires. These specialized curtains facilitate safe evacuations while also preserving merchandise and store integrity.
Warehouse Facilities
Fire curtains and smoke curtains help contain fires and minimize damage, safeguarding a business’s inventory, assets, and overall investments.
Large Floor Opening Protection
The Hose Stream Rated Horizontal Fire Curtain enables architects to compartmentalize large floor openings, thereby reducing the need for mechanical smoke evacuation systems.
Fire Wall and Fire Barrier
The Hose Stream Rated Smoke and Fire Curtain can be used as an alternative to traditional Coiling Steel Fire doors in fire walls and fire barrier walls.

The gravity fail-safe DSI Smoke and Fire Protective Curtains have market leading features and the highest technical specifications available, yet offer cost-effective and flexible solutions to fire and smoke control.
DSI 600 Elevator Smoke Containment System®
This cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing solution ensures comprehensive elevator shaft smoke protection while fully complying with all relevant building codes.
DSI-C1HR Automatic Fire protective Smoke Curtains®
The DSI-C1HR Automatic Fire Protective Smoke Curtains feature a gravity-operated fail-safe design and incorporate the latest electronic technology.
DSI-C3HR Automatic Fire Protective Smoke Curtain®
Automatic Fire protective Smoke Curtains are totally gravity fail safe and incorporate the latest in electronic technology.
DSI-A4HR Accordion Fire Curtain®
The DSI-A4HR accordion-style fire curtain provides a four-hour rated fire barrier for diverse applications, without requiring any supporting columns.
DSI-H3HR Horizontal Smoke Curtain®
This solution helps prevent the spread of smoke and fire through ceiling voids, atrium spaces, stairwells, and skylights, addressing key design challenges. This allows for more open, flexible building designs.
DSI-D1HR Automatic Draft Curtain®
DSI Automatic Smoke Curtains help manage smoke in a building by directing its movement towards designated smoke extraction points.
DSI-S1HR Fixed/Static Draft Curtain®
DSI Static Draft Curtains are an effective product designed to protect commercial and industrial structures from smoke. They are secured to structural steel to provide this protection.
DSI-M10D Manual Fire Protective Smoke Curtain®
The DSI-M10D Manual Smoke Curtain, rated for up to 180 minutes under UL 10D, provides protection for windows and other vulnerable openings. This manual smoke curtain automatically deploys via a fusible link, offering the benefits of an automatic-closing fire curtain.
Hose Stream Rated Smoke and Fire Curtains incorporate the cutting-edge technology of our UL 10D curtain products but with the advantage of being code compliant in any fire wall rated up to 3 hours.
DSI-HS10B Hose Stream Rated Smoke and Fire Curtain®
The DSI-HS10B Fire Curtain, with a UL10B 3-hour fire rating, offers a replacement solution to traditional Coiling Steel Fire doors for use in fire walls and fire barrier walls.
DSI-HHS10B Hose Stream Rated Horizontal Fire Curtain®
The DSI-HHS10B Hose Stream Rated Horizontal Fire Curtain enables architects to compartmentalize large floor openings, thereby reducing the need for mechanical smoke evacuation systems.
DSI-FW119 Deployable Fabric Fire Wall®
The DSI Deployable Fire Wall utilizes the advanced technology of our Hose Stream Rated Smoke and Fire Curtain, with the added benefit of having a temperature rise rating of 250 degrees for 2 hours with an ASTM E119/UL263 rating certification as a 2-hour fire-rated wall assembly.
DSI-HSM10B Manual Hose Stream Rated Smoke and Fire Curtain®
The DSI-HSM10B Fire Curtain, rated for up to 180 minutes of fire resistance under UL 10B standards, offers a replacement solution to traditional coiling steel fire shutters for use in firewalls and fire barrier walls.
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Smoke & Fire Curtain Features
Fire Rated
• Fire Ratings up to 3 hours.
Design Flexibility
• Unlimited width, custom sizes
Code Compliant
• NFPA and IBC Compliant and Evaluated by ICC-ES.
Cost Effective
• Reduce Sprinklers, HVAC Systems and Fire Rated Glass.

Smoke and fire curtains, though similar in appearance, are differentiated by their materials and functions. Smoke curtains are designed to contain the spread of smoke within a building, while fire curtains serve the additional purpose of blocking the advancement of flames. Despite these distinct capabilities, many people mistakenly use the terms “smoke curtain” and “fire curtain” interchangeably.
Retrofitting commercial buildings with elevator smoke curtains provides property owners several advantages in complying with current building codes, including the requirements specified in International Building Code Section 3006.
To meet all applicable fire safety regulations, including the International Building Code Section 901, smoke curtains should be installed in your building. These curtains must comply with standards such as ICC-ES ESR-4761, UL-1784, UL-864, as well as local building codes (CBC, IBC, LABC, LADBS).
Smoke curtains are primarily installed in front of elevators, but they can also be used to protect mezzanines, escalators, areas of refuge, and other openings. DSI smoke curtains are not limited by size, allowing them to be installed on openings of any height or width, including open-air mezzanines.